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Saturday, May 31, 2008

Deepawali ke do pal

दीवाली की शुभकामनाये आप सब को
दीवाली के दिन ज़रूर याद करे उस रब को
जिसने तुम्हे जीवन दिया
जीवन में ढेर सारी खुशिया दी

और ना भूले उन माता पिता को
जो करते है तुम पर खुशियों की बारिश
तुम्हारी तरक्की ही है जिनकी एक मात्र ख्वाइश

और जरूर याद करे उन हजारों लाखों करोडो बच्चो को
जो तरसते है सिर्फ़ एक रोटी के लिए
क्या दीवाली क्या होली उनके लिए
जो भूखे है आपके प्यार के
जिनके आँसू नही है इंतज़ार के

क्या खुदा को दोष दे उनकी इस हालत का
या वह ख़ुद दोषी है अपनी इस हालत का
या हम ख़ुद ज़िम्मेदारी ली
खोल के दरवाज़ा अपनी खुद्दारी की अदालत का

!!! २४ अक्टूबर २००३ (दिपावली) की कृति !!!

-एन के जे

Dil aisa kisi ne mera toda

क्या हुआ अगर वह ना हो सके हमारे
जी लेंगे फ़िर भी उनकी यादों के सहारे
खुश रहे वह सदा यह दुआ है हमारी
हमारा जैसा भी हुआ ना आए कभी उनकी बारी
चाँद एक है तो क्या हुआ
ढेर सारे है तारे
पतझड़ के बाद ही आती है बहारे
क्या हुआ अगर वह ना हो सके हमारे
क्या हुआ अगर वह ना हो सके हमारे

!! १९ अक्टूबर २००३ की कृति !!

- एन के जे

Kadva sach

क्यों खुली आंखों से आज सच नही दिखता
क्यों आज इस दुनिया में प्यार भी है बिकता
क्यों इंसानों ने इंसानों की कीमत है लगाई
क्यों आज खुशियों में बजती नही शेहनाई
क्यों नही बहता झरना आज किसी की प्यास भुझा पता
क्यों सिर्फ़ मुसीबत की घड़ी में है खुदा याद आता
क्यों मजबूरन आज मैं इतना कुछ लिखता
क्यों खुली आंखों से आज सच नही दिखता
क्यों खुली आंखों से आज सच नही दिखता

यह कविता मैंने १४ अक्टूबर २००३ में लिखी मैं कुछ दिनों से अपने लेख ढूँढ रहा था अपने कंप्यूटर में और आज भाग्ये से मैं इसको ढूँढ पाया और इसको ब्लॉग में प्रकाशित कर रहा हूँ ना जाने क्यों अपनी सारी कृतिया ब्लॉग पर डालना चाहता हूँ शायद इसलिए ताकि एक जगह पर आसानी से इन सबको फुरसत के क्षणों में पड़ पाऊं

अभी आगे मैं अपनी सारी कृतिया यहाँ पोस्ट करूँगा !

-एन के जे

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Pyar se pyara pyar

तेरे बिना यह दुनिया सूनी लागे रे
तेरे बिना यह आँखे सारी रात जागे रे
जहा देखु उठा के नज़र
हर चेहरा तेरा चेहरा लागे रे

मोहब्बत की इन्तेहा महसूस करते है
तेरे बिना एक एक पल
कई कई बार मरते है
अपना सब कुछ देदु आपको
मेरे आंसू ना चले जाए डरते है

मेरा प्यार दूर है
कुछ खट्टी कुछ मीठी बातों के साथ
यह दिल क्या चाहे
बस दो घड़ी अपने प्यार से मुलाक़ात
लेकर उसका हाथो में हाथ
चार पल प्यारी बात
पूरी रात

फूलों में खुशबू है
मेरी जान सा कहाँ
फिजाओ में रंगत है
मेरी जान सा कहाँ
दरिया सा दिल
मेरी जान सा कहाँ
चाँद की चांदनी
मेरी जान सा कहाँ

ज़िंदगी के मायेने बदले
जब तुम मिले
चेहरे ने रंग बदले
जब तुम खिले
छोड़ के दुनिया के सारे गिले
आओ एक सपना देखे
जहाँ आँखें बतियाये
और हो होंठ सिले

तेरी आंखो में डूब जाना चाहता हूँ
तेरे होंठो का सारा रस पी जाना चाहता हूँ
खो जाऊँ इस पल में इस तरह की
यह पल तेरे पलको में जी जाना चाहता हूँ

-एन के जे

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


श्रधांजलि देश के उन वीरो को जिन्होंने अपनी जान देकर हमे जिंदा रखा !!!

!!!!!!! हिम्मतेबाद्शाह !!!!!!!!!

अपनी माटी की खुशबु को
ना बिकने दिया ना ही मिटने दिया
दुश्मनों के नापाक मंसूबों को
हिन्दुस्तान की धरती पे ना टिकने दिया

देख पे जान न्योछावर करने
धरती माँ के एहसान को भरने
पहुँच गए सीमाओं पर
हमारी ज़िंदगी के लिए मरने

छोड़ गए तरसती माँ
इंतज़ार में पत्नी, बिलखते बच्चे
देश पे कुर्बानी के आगे
रिश्तो के धागे पड़ गए कच्चे
ऐसे है वह वीर हमारे सच्चे

ना ज़िंदगी से कुछ चाहा
ना दुश्मनों के आएग सर झुकाया
वतन पर कुर्बान इन वीरो ने
भारत माँ का क़र्ज़ चुकाया

एक लाश मेरे सिपाही की
लहराता हुआ तिरंगा हाथों में
वह भी किसी के अपने थे
पर ढूँढा ना दर्द रिश्ते नातों में
जिन्हें करना था वह कर गए
और हम उलझ गए सिर्फ़ बातों में

अब बारी है हमारी हमे क्या करना है
मरकर भी इन्हे यादों में जिंदा रखना है
इनकी कुर्बानी खाली ना जाए
कुछ ऐसा कर गुज़रना है
भारत के लिए जीना है
और सिर्फ़ इसी के लिए मरना है
सिर्फ़ और सिर्फ़ इसी के लिए मरना है

" ऐ मेरे वतन के लोगो
ज़रा आँख में भर लो पानी
जो शहीद हुए है उनकी
ज़रा याद करो कुर्बानी
ज़रा याद करो कुर्बानी "

यह पंक्तियों मैंने कॉलेज के दिनों में लिखी थी मुझे उस वक्त भी अपने वतन से उतना ही प्रेम था जितना की आज ज्यादा कुछ कर नही पता हूँ अपने वतन के लिए पर कोशिश करता हूँ जो भी करूँ वह वतन के ख़िलाफ़ ना हो आज भी उन पलो को नही भूल पता हूँ जब इन पंक्तियों को पन्ने पे उतारा था, कितना भावयुक्त हो गया था मैं कुछ कर गुज़रना चाहता हूँ

-एन के जे


दर्द वह नही जो तेरा है ...
दर्द वह भी नही जो मेरा है ...
दर्द को अपनी उल्फत ना समझो ...
दर्द वह इबादत है जो दूसरो का हो तो हमारा है ..

कितनी पास होकर भी दूर हो तुम ...
दिल का एहसास होकर भी मजबूर हो तुम ...
ना समझ सके जो मेरे दिल की चाह ...
क्या मेरे दिल का सिर्फ़ एक फितूर हो तुम ...

तेरा दिल जो चाहे वह मैं नही जानता ...
मेरा दिल क्या चाहे उससे तू अनजान है ...
मैंने ही कहा खुशी दी है तुझको ...
जो तुझसे खुशी पाने का अरमान है ...

प्यार ना कहे कर ना किया जाए तो नागुवार लगता है ...
प्यार कहे कर ना किया जाए तो दुशवार लगता है ...
प्यार कहा जाए और किया जाए तो गुलज़ार लगता है ...
प्यार ना कहे कर किया जाए तो प्यार लगता है ...

मुझे अपने लिए जीना नही आता ...
मैं अपने लिए जीना नही चाहता ...
चाहता हूँ प्यार जो मेरी इस चाहत को अपना सके ...
खता तो उसकी भी नही जो उसने जीना चाहा ...
खता तो मैंने की जो उसको ना समझ पाया ...

- एन के जे

Friday, May 23, 2008


Sometime back I used to wonder why people lie. Is it because, it makes them happy? They simply love doing it again n again. Their basic instinct is like that. Or is it because it makes others happy to whom they are lying? Or is it because it is technically incorrect to follow the path of honesty and truth as it might be lengthy, tricky and problematic? Don’t know what actually the answer is but it should be amongst the above.

Some people have grown up listening to lies all around their home/school/locality. For e.g. “Papa is at home but mom on the phone tells some uncle that papa is not at home”. So endlessly listening to these little little things, it has become a part of their trait. So they don’t know why they do it but they just do it. These people lie so casually that they don’t even think about its consequences. I call it "a casual lie".

Some people lie not because they want to but because they have to. They lie because they want to meet the expectations of the people they are lying to. They know that telling them truth might hamper their relationship and it might do some serious damage to them. So they plan to lie in such a way that their dear ones remain unaffected with the bitter truth. I call it "a personal lie" as there is no motive as such behind it but it is said for a noble cause.

Some people fool around the world with their tactical mind plays. They do it for their monetary benefits. They plan, schedule and execute it with perfection. But consequences to these types of lies are very hazardous not only to him but to the whole society. These lies make success appears very close but short-lived too. I call it "a professional lie".

According to me - a lie is after all a lie. And even if it is said for a good cause, it is always short-lived. Truth has always conquered and will continue to do.


Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Garbage truck

The following is this week’s flush fact that is being put in my office washrooms and I was so impressed with it that I came back to my seat and the first thing that I did was, searched it on Google and found it easily. Whoever has written it has written it brilliantly.

Read it first.

How often do you let other people's nonsense change your mood? Do you let a bad driver, rude waiter, curt boss, or an insensitive employee ruin your day? Unless you're the Terminator, for an instant you're probably set back on your heels. However, the mark of a successful person is how quickly she can get back her focus on what's important.

Learned it in the back of a Harare City taxi cab. Here's what happened. I hopped in a taxi, and we took off for Westgate. We were driving when all of a sudden a black car jumped out of a parking space right in front of us. My taxi driver slammed on his breaks, skidded, and missed the other car's back end by just inches! Here's what happened next. The driver of the other car, the guy who almost caused a big accident, whipped his head around and he started yelling bad words at us. How do I know? Ask any Zimbabwean, some words in Harare come with a special face.

Now, here's what blew me away. My taxi driver just smiled and waved at the guy. And I mean, he was friendly. So, I said, "Why did you just do that? This guy almost ruined your car and sent us to the hospital!" And this is when my taxi driver told me what I now call, “The Law of the Garbage Truck." Many people are like garbage trucks. They run around full of garbage, full of frustration, full of anger, and full of disappointment. As their garbage piles up, they need a place to dump it. And if you let them, they'll dump it on you. When someone wants to dump on you, don't take it personal. You just smile, wave, wish them well, and move on. You'll be happy you did. I guarantee it.

So this was it: The "Law of the Garbage Truck." I started thinking, how often do I let Garbage Trucks run right over me? And how often do I take their garbage and spread it to other people: at work, at home, on the streets? It was that day I said, "I'm not going to do it anymore." I began to see garbage trucks. Like in the movie "The Sixth Sense," the little boy said, "I see Dead People." Well now "I see Garbage Trucks." I see the load they're carrying. I see them coming to drop it off. And like my Taxi Driver, I don't make it a personal thing; I just smile, wave, wish them well, and I move on.

You must be feeling why I am sharing this when it is readliy available on web. The reason being, this is one of those little things that happen with everyone every time after we wake up and before we go back to bed at night. And important thing is that it occurs effortlessly. I won’t say it is the Garbage truck who is on fault, but it is us who let it dump its garbage on us.

I know nobody wants it to happen then why does it happen? Have you ever thought why does it happen when we never want it to happen? The basic reason for this is that, we have forgotten our courtesy. We have stopped thinking about being courteous and polite to others. There is always something ghastly running within us. And the job of the garbage truck is to only ignite that dangerous hatred gasoline in our hearts.

To me loving people without expecting them to love you in return is what actual love is. And being lovable is the best trait to have. You just need to love everyone unconditionally. And true love, not just for the sake of it. Good manners, civility, graciousness, sociability are some of the adjectives that we should keep with us all the time.

I follow “Gandhigiri” and it really helps me reading the mind of others and understand their behaviour. Just try it once and you would love it.

Try it dear!!!


Monday, May 19, 2008

Just another day ...

A very fresh day I must say. Why fresh?? I got up early in the morning today and went for a morning walk to a nearby sophisticated park with my beloved wife. The weather was extremely pleasant, and drizzling was making it more enjoyable. It had rained the previous night. I used to do morning walk regularly a couple of years ago but the busy schedule at office and home took it out of my mind and I could not continue with my morning walk. But I am feeling much better today. Especially after working for 9 hours on Sunday continuously without an AC / Cooler on a website development, I needed something to refresh myself before the new week starts. And I got a start to the week that I wanted. I believe breathing fresh air is far better than visiting doctors every now and then. Trust me it is.

Office was as usual. Couple of developments, coordinating with the TL and helping team members were the stuffs I was involved in.

My cell phones kept disturbing me every minute, but I am also stubborn enough to ignore them all :-). I hate receiving calls from unknown numbers now but I don’t register myself to do-not-call-registry as sometimes it is easy when a service provider approaches us instead we approach them in need.

IPL fever is also ON. It is a very healthy time pass these days after you reach back home dead tired. I am thinking what people in India would do after the end of IPL, may be ICL would also reach to the glory where IPL has arrived. And then it would be alternate ICL --> IPL --> ICL --> IPL …………… reads very funny but I really don’t doubt why it can’t happen ..

Blogging has become an important part of my life … I would love to write something or the other daily but only if the time permits...


Saturday, May 17, 2008

my PARENTS... my GOD...

It was a holiday today yet so hectic.... it was really... I had a good afternoon nap, still I am feeling very tired.... probably because of the humid weather ... it was a damn hot day... today. I was not in the office AC, so I might have felt it, mamma papa feel it all throughout the day, all 7 days ... that is why I am buying them an AC ... I have always wanted to give them my everything in my best possible way.

When we were kids, they never hesitated to buy us things that we demanded then why should we even think of thinking to give them anything ... I don't know why many of us after growing up think 1000 times before giving anything to our parents. Just because we have started earning, just because we are capable of living of our own, just because we can fight with our own life, just because we have started thinking on the lines that we are mature enough to take our own decisions.... No it is nothing like that; it is just that we have started modernizing ourselves like people in the West, where parents let their children live their life after 18 on their own.... But we are not like them, our culture is different, we have a very different tradition, strong bonding of love, we still believe in living in joint families where even if you cough once, your whole family is standing beside you. We don’t even feel bad listening to their scolding.

I cannot tolerate anyone abusing their parents for any reason. I simply hate those people. How can anyone forget their responsibilities towards them? Parents never forget their responsibilities. They are always with us whether in good or bad times. They don’t even think of keeping us away from their blessings. Then how can we deprive them from our presence and love??

I really feel bad for people who have grown up without parents. For me they must have done something really bad in their previous life that they have been penalized so roughly.

To me, my parents are my God on the earth and I will always live for them.


Thursday, May 15, 2008



I would like to share some of my mantras of life:

· Not living does not mean can't live....
· Life is not how u take it as but how u make it as....
· Behavior changes but character remains.....
· I never say I am d best coz I know nobody is....
· I am ill not because I am but because I want to....
· Maturity does not come with age but with attitude....
· I hardly live for myself.... mostly live for others....
· Live life as if you can't die....

I don't write them just like that, but each one of them has a connection with my life in some way.

I have been thru many phases of my life … A mischievous student in the school, silent boy next seat in the college, a shy child at home, an obedient and a techie team member in the office. But I have never allowed anyone deviate me from my principles of life. To me, life is not just living in/for/to yourself but to me life is living life for others you know, you don’t know. Satisfaction that I get for the work for myself does not give me a sound sleep, but being a helping hand for others give me a rock-solid dream as well. I don’t know why I am like that but I just love it. All my personal needs have the least priority in my list.

I might have destroyed dreams of some, while fulfilling my principles and helping many but I don’t regret them not because I don’t consider them mistakes and I wish to forget them but because they were very vigilantly taken decisions that had groomed everyone involved later. This is life. You cannot be in the comfort zone all the time.

My favorite song on zindagi:
Kisi ki muskurahatho pe ho nisaar ….
Kisi ka dadr mil sake to le udhaar ….
Kisi ke vaaste ho tere dil mein pyaar ….
Jeena isi ka naam hai ….
Jeena isi ka naam hai ....

So here I would end and hope to write something sometime later….


Tuesday, May 13, 2008

First one

So finally I have landed in the Blog world. I have always thought of keeping myself away from blogs (why?? I thought these are for people who have lots of time to waste) but really don't know who inspired me to join it. The fact may be that I read Amitabh's blog today and I really liked it in a way that you don't need news channels or news papers all the time to express your views. Blogs can easily do that for you. I have always been cherished by the persona of Mr. Amitabh Bachchan and that is one of the reasons I am entering in this unique world. This is my first blog, so I'll keep it short but I would love to share my feelings/views on myself, my life and different issues every now and then. That is it for now.

bye for now ...

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Deepawali ke do pal

दीवाली की शुभकामनाये आप सब को
दीवाली के दिन ज़रूर याद करे उस रब को
जिसने तुम्हे जीवन दिया
जीवन में ढेर सारी खुशिया दी

और ना भूले उन माता पिता को
जो करते है तुम पर खुशियों की बारिश
तुम्हारी तरक्की ही है जिनकी एक मात्र ख्वाइश

और जरूर याद करे उन हजारों लाखों करोडो बच्चो को
जो तरसते है सिर्फ़ एक रोटी के लिए
क्या दीवाली क्या होली उनके लिए
जो भूखे है आपके प्यार के
जिनके आँसू नही है इंतज़ार के

क्या खुदा को दोष दे उनकी इस हालत का
या वह ख़ुद दोषी है अपनी इस हालत का
या हम ख़ुद ज़िम्मेदारी ली
खोल के दरवाज़ा अपनी खुद्दारी की अदालत का

!!! २४ अक्टूबर २००३ (दिपावली) की कृति !!!

-एन के जे

Dil aisa kisi ne mera toda

क्या हुआ अगर वह ना हो सके हमारे
जी लेंगे फ़िर भी उनकी यादों के सहारे
खुश रहे वह सदा यह दुआ है हमारी
हमारा जैसा भी हुआ ना आए कभी उनकी बारी
चाँद एक है तो क्या हुआ
ढेर सारे है तारे
पतझड़ के बाद ही आती है बहारे
क्या हुआ अगर वह ना हो सके हमारे
क्या हुआ अगर वह ना हो सके हमारे

!! १९ अक्टूबर २००३ की कृति !!

- एन के जे

Kadva sach

क्यों खुली आंखों से आज सच नही दिखता
क्यों आज इस दुनिया में प्यार भी है बिकता
क्यों इंसानों ने इंसानों की कीमत है लगाई
क्यों आज खुशियों में बजती नही शेहनाई
क्यों नही बहता झरना आज किसी की प्यास भुझा पता
क्यों सिर्फ़ मुसीबत की घड़ी में है खुदा याद आता
क्यों मजबूरन आज मैं इतना कुछ लिखता
क्यों खुली आंखों से आज सच नही दिखता
क्यों खुली आंखों से आज सच नही दिखता

यह कविता मैंने १४ अक्टूबर २००३ में लिखी मैं कुछ दिनों से अपने लेख ढूँढ रहा था अपने कंप्यूटर में और आज भाग्ये से मैं इसको ढूँढ पाया और इसको ब्लॉग में प्रकाशित कर रहा हूँ ना जाने क्यों अपनी सारी कृतिया ब्लॉग पर डालना चाहता हूँ शायद इसलिए ताकि एक जगह पर आसानी से इन सबको फुरसत के क्षणों में पड़ पाऊं

अभी आगे मैं अपनी सारी कृतिया यहाँ पोस्ट करूँगा !

-एन के जे

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Pyar se pyara pyar

तेरे बिना यह दुनिया सूनी लागे रे
तेरे बिना यह आँखे सारी रात जागे रे
जहा देखु उठा के नज़र
हर चेहरा तेरा चेहरा लागे रे

मोहब्बत की इन्तेहा महसूस करते है
तेरे बिना एक एक पल
कई कई बार मरते है
अपना सब कुछ देदु आपको
मेरे आंसू ना चले जाए डरते है

मेरा प्यार दूर है
कुछ खट्टी कुछ मीठी बातों के साथ
यह दिल क्या चाहे
बस दो घड़ी अपने प्यार से मुलाक़ात
लेकर उसका हाथो में हाथ
चार पल प्यारी बात
पूरी रात

फूलों में खुशबू है
मेरी जान सा कहाँ
फिजाओ में रंगत है
मेरी जान सा कहाँ
दरिया सा दिल
मेरी जान सा कहाँ
चाँद की चांदनी
मेरी जान सा कहाँ

ज़िंदगी के मायेने बदले
जब तुम मिले
चेहरे ने रंग बदले
जब तुम खिले
छोड़ के दुनिया के सारे गिले
आओ एक सपना देखे
जहाँ आँखें बतियाये
और हो होंठ सिले

तेरी आंखो में डूब जाना चाहता हूँ
तेरे होंठो का सारा रस पी जाना चाहता हूँ
खो जाऊँ इस पल में इस तरह की
यह पल तेरे पलको में जी जाना चाहता हूँ

-एन के जे

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


श्रधांजलि देश के उन वीरो को जिन्होंने अपनी जान देकर हमे जिंदा रखा !!!

!!!!!!! हिम्मतेबाद्शाह !!!!!!!!!

अपनी माटी की खुशबु को
ना बिकने दिया ना ही मिटने दिया
दुश्मनों के नापाक मंसूबों को
हिन्दुस्तान की धरती पे ना टिकने दिया

देख पे जान न्योछावर करने
धरती माँ के एहसान को भरने
पहुँच गए सीमाओं पर
हमारी ज़िंदगी के लिए मरने

छोड़ गए तरसती माँ
इंतज़ार में पत्नी, बिलखते बच्चे
देश पे कुर्बानी के आगे
रिश्तो के धागे पड़ गए कच्चे
ऐसे है वह वीर हमारे सच्चे

ना ज़िंदगी से कुछ चाहा
ना दुश्मनों के आएग सर झुकाया
वतन पर कुर्बान इन वीरो ने
भारत माँ का क़र्ज़ चुकाया

एक लाश मेरे सिपाही की
लहराता हुआ तिरंगा हाथों में
वह भी किसी के अपने थे
पर ढूँढा ना दर्द रिश्ते नातों में
जिन्हें करना था वह कर गए
और हम उलझ गए सिर्फ़ बातों में

अब बारी है हमारी हमे क्या करना है
मरकर भी इन्हे यादों में जिंदा रखना है
इनकी कुर्बानी खाली ना जाए
कुछ ऐसा कर गुज़रना है
भारत के लिए जीना है
और सिर्फ़ इसी के लिए मरना है
सिर्फ़ और सिर्फ़ इसी के लिए मरना है

" ऐ मेरे वतन के लोगो
ज़रा आँख में भर लो पानी
जो शहीद हुए है उनकी
ज़रा याद करो कुर्बानी
ज़रा याद करो कुर्बानी "

यह पंक्तियों मैंने कॉलेज के दिनों में लिखी थी मुझे उस वक्त भी अपने वतन से उतना ही प्रेम था जितना की आज ज्यादा कुछ कर नही पता हूँ अपने वतन के लिए पर कोशिश करता हूँ जो भी करूँ वह वतन के ख़िलाफ़ ना हो आज भी उन पलो को नही भूल पता हूँ जब इन पंक्तियों को पन्ने पे उतारा था, कितना भावयुक्त हो गया था मैं कुछ कर गुज़रना चाहता हूँ

-एन के जे


दर्द वह नही जो तेरा है ...
दर्द वह भी नही जो मेरा है ...
दर्द को अपनी उल्फत ना समझो ...
दर्द वह इबादत है जो दूसरो का हो तो हमारा है ..

कितनी पास होकर भी दूर हो तुम ...
दिल का एहसास होकर भी मजबूर हो तुम ...
ना समझ सके जो मेरे दिल की चाह ...
क्या मेरे दिल का सिर्फ़ एक फितूर हो तुम ...

तेरा दिल जो चाहे वह मैं नही जानता ...
मेरा दिल क्या चाहे उससे तू अनजान है ...
मैंने ही कहा खुशी दी है तुझको ...
जो तुझसे खुशी पाने का अरमान है ...

प्यार ना कहे कर ना किया जाए तो नागुवार लगता है ...
प्यार कहे कर ना किया जाए तो दुशवार लगता है ...
प्यार कहा जाए और किया जाए तो गुलज़ार लगता है ...
प्यार ना कहे कर किया जाए तो प्यार लगता है ...

मुझे अपने लिए जीना नही आता ...
मैं अपने लिए जीना नही चाहता ...
चाहता हूँ प्यार जो मेरी इस चाहत को अपना सके ...
खता तो उसकी भी नही जो उसने जीना चाहा ...
खता तो मैंने की जो उसको ना समझ पाया ...

- एन के जे

Friday, May 23, 2008


Sometime back I used to wonder why people lie. Is it because, it makes them happy? They simply love doing it again n again. Their basic instinct is like that. Or is it because it makes others happy to whom they are lying? Or is it because it is technically incorrect to follow the path of honesty and truth as it might be lengthy, tricky and problematic? Don’t know what actually the answer is but it should be amongst the above.

Some people have grown up listening to lies all around their home/school/locality. For e.g. “Papa is at home but mom on the phone tells some uncle that papa is not at home”. So endlessly listening to these little little things, it has become a part of their trait. So they don’t know why they do it but they just do it. These people lie so casually that they don’t even think about its consequences. I call it "a casual lie".

Some people lie not because they want to but because they have to. They lie because they want to meet the expectations of the people they are lying to. They know that telling them truth might hamper their relationship and it might do some serious damage to them. So they plan to lie in such a way that their dear ones remain unaffected with the bitter truth. I call it "a personal lie" as there is no motive as such behind it but it is said for a noble cause.

Some people fool around the world with their tactical mind plays. They do it for their monetary benefits. They plan, schedule and execute it with perfection. But consequences to these types of lies are very hazardous not only to him but to the whole society. These lies make success appears very close but short-lived too. I call it "a professional lie".

According to me - a lie is after all a lie. And even if it is said for a good cause, it is always short-lived. Truth has always conquered and will continue to do.


Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Garbage truck

The following is this week’s flush fact that is being put in my office washrooms and I was so impressed with it that I came back to my seat and the first thing that I did was, searched it on Google and found it easily. Whoever has written it has written it brilliantly.

Read it first.

How often do you let other people's nonsense change your mood? Do you let a bad driver, rude waiter, curt boss, or an insensitive employee ruin your day? Unless you're the Terminator, for an instant you're probably set back on your heels. However, the mark of a successful person is how quickly she can get back her focus on what's important.

Learned it in the back of a Harare City taxi cab. Here's what happened. I hopped in a taxi, and we took off for Westgate. We were driving when all of a sudden a black car jumped out of a parking space right in front of us. My taxi driver slammed on his breaks, skidded, and missed the other car's back end by just inches! Here's what happened next. The driver of the other car, the guy who almost caused a big accident, whipped his head around and he started yelling bad words at us. How do I know? Ask any Zimbabwean, some words in Harare come with a special face.

Now, here's what blew me away. My taxi driver just smiled and waved at the guy. And I mean, he was friendly. So, I said, "Why did you just do that? This guy almost ruined your car and sent us to the hospital!" And this is when my taxi driver told me what I now call, “The Law of the Garbage Truck." Many people are like garbage trucks. They run around full of garbage, full of frustration, full of anger, and full of disappointment. As their garbage piles up, they need a place to dump it. And if you let them, they'll dump it on you. When someone wants to dump on you, don't take it personal. You just smile, wave, wish them well, and move on. You'll be happy you did. I guarantee it.

So this was it: The "Law of the Garbage Truck." I started thinking, how often do I let Garbage Trucks run right over me? And how often do I take their garbage and spread it to other people: at work, at home, on the streets? It was that day I said, "I'm not going to do it anymore." I began to see garbage trucks. Like in the movie "The Sixth Sense," the little boy said, "I see Dead People." Well now "I see Garbage Trucks." I see the load they're carrying. I see them coming to drop it off. And like my Taxi Driver, I don't make it a personal thing; I just smile, wave, wish them well, and I move on.

You must be feeling why I am sharing this when it is readliy available on web. The reason being, this is one of those little things that happen with everyone every time after we wake up and before we go back to bed at night. And important thing is that it occurs effortlessly. I won’t say it is the Garbage truck who is on fault, but it is us who let it dump its garbage on us.

I know nobody wants it to happen then why does it happen? Have you ever thought why does it happen when we never want it to happen? The basic reason for this is that, we have forgotten our courtesy. We have stopped thinking about being courteous and polite to others. There is always something ghastly running within us. And the job of the garbage truck is to only ignite that dangerous hatred gasoline in our hearts.

To me loving people without expecting them to love you in return is what actual love is. And being lovable is the best trait to have. You just need to love everyone unconditionally. And true love, not just for the sake of it. Good manners, civility, graciousness, sociability are some of the adjectives that we should keep with us all the time.

I follow “Gandhigiri” and it really helps me reading the mind of others and understand their behaviour. Just try it once and you would love it.

Try it dear!!!


Monday, May 19, 2008

Just another day ...

A very fresh day I must say. Why fresh?? I got up early in the morning today and went for a morning walk to a nearby sophisticated park with my beloved wife. The weather was extremely pleasant, and drizzling was making it more enjoyable. It had rained the previous night. I used to do morning walk regularly a couple of years ago but the busy schedule at office and home took it out of my mind and I could not continue with my morning walk. But I am feeling much better today. Especially after working for 9 hours on Sunday continuously without an AC / Cooler on a website development, I needed something to refresh myself before the new week starts. And I got a start to the week that I wanted. I believe breathing fresh air is far better than visiting doctors every now and then. Trust me it is.

Office was as usual. Couple of developments, coordinating with the TL and helping team members were the stuffs I was involved in.

My cell phones kept disturbing me every minute, but I am also stubborn enough to ignore them all :-). I hate receiving calls from unknown numbers now but I don’t register myself to do-not-call-registry as sometimes it is easy when a service provider approaches us instead we approach them in need.

IPL fever is also ON. It is a very healthy time pass these days after you reach back home dead tired. I am thinking what people in India would do after the end of IPL, may be ICL would also reach to the glory where IPL has arrived. And then it would be alternate ICL --> IPL --> ICL --> IPL …………… reads very funny but I really don’t doubt why it can’t happen ..

Blogging has become an important part of my life … I would love to write something or the other daily but only if the time permits...


Saturday, May 17, 2008

my PARENTS... my GOD...

It was a holiday today yet so hectic.... it was really... I had a good afternoon nap, still I am feeling very tired.... probably because of the humid weather ... it was a damn hot day... today. I was not in the office AC, so I might have felt it, mamma papa feel it all throughout the day, all 7 days ... that is why I am buying them an AC ... I have always wanted to give them my everything in my best possible way.

When we were kids, they never hesitated to buy us things that we demanded then why should we even think of thinking to give them anything ... I don't know why many of us after growing up think 1000 times before giving anything to our parents. Just because we have started earning, just because we are capable of living of our own, just because we can fight with our own life, just because we have started thinking on the lines that we are mature enough to take our own decisions.... No it is nothing like that; it is just that we have started modernizing ourselves like people in the West, where parents let their children live their life after 18 on their own.... But we are not like them, our culture is different, we have a very different tradition, strong bonding of love, we still believe in living in joint families where even if you cough once, your whole family is standing beside you. We don’t even feel bad listening to their scolding.

I cannot tolerate anyone abusing their parents for any reason. I simply hate those people. How can anyone forget their responsibilities towards them? Parents never forget their responsibilities. They are always with us whether in good or bad times. They don’t even think of keeping us away from their blessings. Then how can we deprive them from our presence and love??

I really feel bad for people who have grown up without parents. For me they must have done something really bad in their previous life that they have been penalized so roughly.

To me, my parents are my God on the earth and I will always live for them.


Thursday, May 15, 2008



I would like to share some of my mantras of life:

· Not living does not mean can't live....
· Life is not how u take it as but how u make it as....
· Behavior changes but character remains.....
· I never say I am d best coz I know nobody is....
· I am ill not because I am but because I want to....
· Maturity does not come with age but with attitude....
· I hardly live for myself.... mostly live for others....
· Live life as if you can't die....

I don't write them just like that, but each one of them has a connection with my life in some way.

I have been thru many phases of my life … A mischievous student in the school, silent boy next seat in the college, a shy child at home, an obedient and a techie team member in the office. But I have never allowed anyone deviate me from my principles of life. To me, life is not just living in/for/to yourself but to me life is living life for others you know, you don’t know. Satisfaction that I get for the work for myself does not give me a sound sleep, but being a helping hand for others give me a rock-solid dream as well. I don’t know why I am like that but I just love it. All my personal needs have the least priority in my list.

I might have destroyed dreams of some, while fulfilling my principles and helping many but I don’t regret them not because I don’t consider them mistakes and I wish to forget them but because they were very vigilantly taken decisions that had groomed everyone involved later. This is life. You cannot be in the comfort zone all the time.

My favorite song on zindagi:
Kisi ki muskurahatho pe ho nisaar ….
Kisi ka dadr mil sake to le udhaar ….
Kisi ke vaaste ho tere dil mein pyaar ….
Jeena isi ka naam hai ….
Jeena isi ka naam hai ....

So here I would end and hope to write something sometime later….


Tuesday, May 13, 2008

First one

So finally I have landed in the Blog world. I have always thought of keeping myself away from blogs (why?? I thought these are for people who have lots of time to waste) but really don't know who inspired me to join it. The fact may be that I read Amitabh's blog today and I really liked it in a way that you don't need news channels or news papers all the time to express your views. Blogs can easily do that for you. I have always been cherished by the persona of Mr. Amitabh Bachchan and that is one of the reasons I am entering in this unique world. This is my first blog, so I'll keep it short but I would love to share my feelings/views on myself, my life and different issues every now and then. That is it for now.

bye for now ...